Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blogger Intro: Natalie

Hey Everyone,

I am excited and proud to be one of the four Ex 'Cuse Us bloggers! I wanted to share a bit of background on myself before diving into more details on some of my current projects and passions. Here we go...

Name: Natalie

City: I work in the Greenwich Village area of NYC, but call Jersey City home

Favorite Bands/Music: Everything! Current favorites include everywhere from First Aid Kit, James Blackshaw, and Andrew Bird to Gnarls Barkley, The National, and Patty Larkin

Color: Green

Foods: Anything tasty, and preferably full of carbohydrates.

Stores: Home Goods and Antique Shops

TV: The Office, Arrested Development, Six Feet Under

Books: Pride and Prejudice, A Walk in the Woods

Hobbies: Cooking, baking, knitting, singing too loud, writing cheesy music, reading, and lying about

Looking forward to next week when I will begin sharing some of my projects and loves with all of you.


  1. yeah - Natalie's ok. Can't believe she didn't list Hunters & Runners as one of her favorite bands though.

  2. Hey Natalie it's Kei. I was wondering if you've ever made brioche. I'm obsessed with this brioche au chocolat that I saw on a website where they fold brioche dough into rectangles and stuff it with pastry cream and chocolate chips. I'm kind of intimidated by brioche, so I was wondering if you had any experience with it and what you thought?

  3. Hey Kei,

    No, unfortunately I've never made brioche! You are right, it definitely sounds intimidating. Intimidating and challenging...hmmm, sounds like the perfect thing for this blog.

    One order of brioche au chocolat coming up! Prepare yourself for imminent disaster.
